Our Cork Peanut Roller is perfect for gentle/deep tissue massage. The clever curves of the roller have been shaped in a way to bring relief to sore muscles all over your body from your neck and shoulder down to the arch of your foot.
Below are the links to our Instagram Reels where Dr. Harry shows a few ways you can use the peanut roller along your spine.
Chronic pain syndrome is a complex multifactorial disease that affects 1 in 5 Australians over the age of 45. It is the third largest disease burden (surpassed by cancer and cardiovascular disease), and costs approximately ...
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Pain is an unpleasant, subjective experience which is associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Physiologically, pain is critical for survival, but when pain starts to affect our quality of life, we ask, “how do I get rid of this feeling?”. W...
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