Comffit Elevators are made with a material that resists getting misshapen. They can assist with treatment of leg length inequalities, Achilles Tendonitis, knee and back pain, gait disorders and other biomechanical deficiencies. They will last 5 times longer than regular heel lifts. The unique molded design features a flatter surface at the point of most impact, while the lip shape cups the heel and helps prevent slippage in the shoe.
Osteopathy is a holistic approach to the body that considers the interconnectedness of the body's muscles, joints and systems. Typically adults are the ones getting treated, but at Ascot Vale Osteopathy, we treat children f...
The body’s aim is to remain balanced. The official term for this is allostasis: the ability we have to maintain stability through an ever changing environment. It is not just the external environment we need to ...
As we all know, our lives right now are quite stressful as we try to deal with the containment of COVID-19. Things are happening now that have never happened in some people’s lifetimes which can be scary and confronting. It’s normal to be anxious abou...
In the pursuit of fitness and athletic performance, it's important to strike a balance between training and recovery. Increasing training load when implemented correctly, with appropriate rest and recovery, yields great res...
Our modern society and the advancements of technology have led most of us towards a more sedentary lifestyle. Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, the majority of the population were getting up out of bed, walking to the lounge room/study/kitchen table, sitt...
Psoas is a strong and powerful muscle, yet often overlooked, and tt can be responsible for a host of ailments.
The Psoas muscle originates from the T12 and Lumbar spinal segments, where it blends in with fibers of the diaphragm (your primary breathing ...
When you have had an injury or are recovering from breast surgery, it's likely that you will experience limited movement and mobility. Working with an Osteopath is the first step to improving movement and reducing pain, but this is often part of a longer-...
In most people’s lives, there comes a point in time where a certain part of your body will hurt. The pain may be caused by trauma or it may present insidiously. Some will ignore the pain until it disappears, others will t...
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