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    AnyDr Fiona McIntyreDr Matthias HouvenagelDr Chelsey Kedmenec

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    Movement + Rehab sessions now available - Call 93704033 to book now!
    Comffit Heel Elevator – Single (4MM Height) Home / Comffit Heel Elevator – Single (4MM Height)


    Comffit Heel Elevator Features:

    • Maintain their shape over time
    • More stable in the shoe
    • Shock absorption + lift

    Delivery Info:

    • It will take 3-5 business days for us to process and deliver your order.
    • Free local delivery only for 3032 & 3039
    • Free local pick up available at the clinic

    Please note that we are not required to provide a refund or replacement on personal use items unless the item is faulty.

    1 in stock


    Comffit Elevators are made with a material that resists getting misshapen. They can assist with treatment of leg length inequalities, Achilles Tendonitis, knee and back pain, gait disorders and other biomechanical deficiencies. They will last 5 times longer than regular heel lifts. The unique molded design features a flatter surface at the point of most impact, while the lip shape cups the heel and helps prevent slippage in the shoe.

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