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    AnyDr Fiona McIntyreDr Matthias HouvenagelDr Chelsey Kedmenec

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    0pp0 Ankle Support W/Strap Home / 0pp0 Ankle Support W/Strap


    0pp0 Ankle Support W/Strap Features:

    • Open heel design allows for comfortable fit and applies less pressure on the sensitive Achilles tendon area.
    • Detachable strap may be removed when additional compression is not needed.
    • Flexible spiral springs act like tendons to reinforce the ankle.
    • Provides comfortable compression for weak or overstressed ankles.
    • Relieves pain due to strains or stiffness.
    SKU: N/A Category: Tags: ,


    How To Wear:
    • Loosen straps and insert foot into the support and position heel in the heel locking area.
    • The two stays should be on each side of ankle.
    • Secure the upper two hook closures snugly.
    • Position the mid section of the surgical elastic strap under the sole.
    • Wrap one side of elastic strap diagonally across the top of foot and upward around the ankle joint.
    • Secure the hook closure on the side of the ankle support to desired compression.
    • Repeat step 5 and 6 to secure another side of elastic strap.

    Delivery Info:

    • It will take 3-5 business days for us to process and deliver your order.
    • Free local delivery only for 3032 & 3039
    • Free local pick up available at the clinic

    Please note that we are not required to provide a refund or replacement on personal use items unless the item is faulty.

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