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    How can your Osteopath help your child? Home / Blog / How can your Osteopath help your child?

    Osteopathy is a holistic approach to the body that considers the interconnectedness of the body’s muscles, joints and systems. Typically adults are the ones getting treated, but at Ascot Vale Osteopathy, we treat children from the age of 5 onwards.

    As children are constantly growing and adapting, osteopathy can provide an effective means of support to help kids prevent and recover from musculoskeletal injuries. 

    Children may face various health concerns, from musculoskeletal issues to growth-related challenges. Compared to adults, it is far more likely that children under the age of 13 will be involved in sporting activities, physical activity, and exercise that can unfortunately lead to the development of these injuries (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2023). Thus, an osteopath may be beneficial in aiding in the prevention and or recovery from these injuries.

    In contrast, also according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, children aged 13-17 are the least likely age group to meet the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines. An osteopath can still be beneficial to this age group through provision of education and the motivation around physical activity to help encourage the attainment of these guidelines.

    One of the key strengths of osteopathy is its adaptability. When comparing the treatment of a child to an adult, osteopaths use more gentle and age-appropriate hands-on treatment techniques tailored to the unique needs of children, aiming to enhance mobility, alleviate discomfort, and optimise the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Communication styles are also adapted to be more child friendly, ensuring both you and your child understand the mechanism behind the injury/complaint, and are provided with appropriate advice to achieve your desired outcome.

    Even in the case where nothing is notably painful, osteopathy can still be integrated into a preventive healthcare routine for children. Occasional check ups with an osteopath, involving assessment of movement patterns, weaknesses and restrictions can help identify potential concerns early, allowing for timely intervention and promotion of optimal growth and development. In kids with a keen interest in sport, these check ups can focus on development and translation of game specific movements/skills to improve their overall sporting performance. 

    Parents often have concerns about the safety of any healthcare practice that their children undergo. Osteopathy, when performed by a qualified professional, is safe and well-tolerated. However, it is important for a parent/guardian to be involved in the consultation so that full informed consent can be achieved, as children may struggle to fully comprehend some of the information during a consultation. It’s essential for parents to communicate any concerns openly with their chosen osteopath, so that these concerns can be addressed.

    Prioritising health is always an investment worth making. Osteopathy offers a holistic path to support children through injury, sporting endeavours and overall well-being. As parents and caregivers, consider the role of osteopathy in nurturing the health of the next generation.


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