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    AnyDr Fiona McIntyreDr Matthias HouvenagelDr Chelsey Kedmenec

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    Movement + Rehab sessions now available - Call 93704033 to book now!
    Family Pillow – Junior Home / Family Pillow – Junior


    High quality low profile contour pillow for kids aged 6-8 years. Featuring a super soft, pressure diffusing egg-foam surface and premium density base. The mild contour provides gentle support, cradling the head and neck evenly to encourage the natural curvature of the spine through the night, helping to induce and nurture a restful sleep.


    2 in stock


    Family Pillow Junior Features:

    Designed to help with a range of conditions and ailments

    • Neck and shoulder pain
    • Tension through the vertebrae
    • Lower back ailments and pain
    • Spinal soreness and stiffness
    • Poor posture

    Delivery Info:

    • It will take 3-5 business days for us to process and deliver your order.
    • Free local delivery only for 3032 & 3039
    • Free local pick up available at the clinic

    Please note that we are not required to provide a refund or replacement on personal use items unless the item is faulty.

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