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    AnyDr Fiona McIntyreDr Matthias HouvenagelDr Chelsey Kedmenec

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    Injury Prevention: How accurate can we be?

    Injury prevention is an athlete's dream - Imagine being able to do what we love - exercise, sport, outdoor activities - without injury. How can we achieve this? Read on to find out…! read more

    Take A Deep Breath

    Breathing is one of the most basic and fundamental functions of the human body, yet, a lot of us seem to do it all wrong. We don’t seem to worry about our breathing at all, until our breathing becomes abnormal. What we don’t understand is how importan...

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    The Effect of Stress on your Immune System

    As we all know, our lives right now are quite stressful as we try to deal with the containment of COVID-19. Things are happening now that have never happened in some people’s lifetimes which can be scary and confronting. It’s normal to be anxious abou...

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    What is pain and how do you get rid of it?

    Pain is an unpleasant, subjective experience which is associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Physiologically, pain is critical for survival, but when pain starts to affect our quality of life, we ask, “how do I get rid of this feeling?”. W...

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    The Perfect Bra for Your Recovery

    When you have had an injury or are recovering from breast surgery, it's likely that you will experience limited movement and mobility. Working with an Osteopath is the first step to improving movement and reducing pain, but this is often part of a longer-...

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    Love your knees!

    The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body and is also quite a complex one, as it is actually made up of 2 joints. There are 3 bones that form these two joints. They are the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone) and the patella (knee cap). The ...

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