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    Movement + Rehab sessions now available - Call 93704033 to book now!
    Dr Tayyar Celiker (Osteopath) – BSc (Osteo), MHSc (Osteo) Home / Dr Tayyar Celiker (Osteopath) – BSc (Osteo), MHSc (Osteo)

    Ever since Tayyar attended his first anatomy class, he’s had a great interest in the anatomy and function of the human body. Tayyar completed his journey through Osteopathy at Victoria University, where he went on to complete his Bachelor of Science (Clinical Science) and Master of Health Science (Osteopathy).

    Having a special interest in sports related injuries, Tayyar has taken part in numerous professional development activities that involve functional movement relating to all levels activity – from heavy gym goers, to weekend warriors or to the leisurely active individual.

    During his University studies, Tayyar volunteered with a sports trainer/physiotherapy program that took care of young soccer athletes – running rehabilitation programs for injury prevention and returning to the game. This experience has given Tayyar insight into common adolescent injuries and appropriate treatment programs. Tayyar continues providing sports training services at Tullamarine Football Club, looking after soccer players and showing appropriate warmups and rehabilitation for injured players.

    As a gym enthusiast, Tayyar also has a great understanding of common gym injuries, with first hand experience of what these injuries entail. With a strong interest in Mix Martial Arts, specifically Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Tayyar spends his spare time attending a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy learning the fundamentals of BJJ, to learn and understand the movements involved to help treat Mixed Martial Artists.

    In his spare time, you’ll find Tayyar spending time with his Wife, and on the odd occasion throwing in a line by the bay in small hopes of catching a fish.



    Pain has been a huge topic for discussion for a long time now. Nearly everyone feels it (I say ‘nearly’ because there is actually a very small minority of people with a special condition that does not allow them to feel pain), and it varies in charact...

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    Strengthen Your Core

    What is your core? Your core is a group of muscles that sit in your torso. They stabilise and control the pelvis and spine. When most people think of their core, they envision a chiseled 6-8 pack. Unfortunately, the core goes ...

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    What is pain and how do you get rid of it?

    Pain is an unpleasant, subjective experience which is associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Physiologically, pain is critical for survival, but when pain starts to affect our quality of life, we ask, “how do I get rid of this feeling?”. W...

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    What pain relief is right for you?

    Pain has been a huge topic of discussion for a long time now. Nearly everyone feels it, and it varies in character and severity depending on what part of the body is implicated. None of us like being in pain, so the first thing we do is to look for a solu...

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    Managing Your Lifestyle & Running Load

      The body’s aim is to remain balanced. The official term for this is allostasis: the ability we have to maintain stability through an ever changing environment. It is not just the external environment we need to ...

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    Take A Deep Breath

    Breathing is one of the most basic and fundamental functions of the human body, yet, a lot of us seem to do it all wrong. We don’t seem to worry about our breathing at all, until our breathing becomes abnormal. What we don’t understand is how importan...

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    Injury Prevention: How accurate can we be?

    Injury prevention is an athlete's dream - Imagine being able to do what we love - exercise, sport, outdoor activities - without injury. How can we achieve this? Read on to find out…! read more

    Psoas – Back pain and Breathing

    Psoas is a strong and powerful muscle, yet often overlooked, and tt can be responsible for a host of ailments. The Psoas muscle originates from the T12 and Lumbar spinal segments, where it blends in with fibers of the diaphragm (your primary breathing ...

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    Anti-Inflammation Diet

    There is an enormous amount of interest in anti-inflammation diets out there and rightfully so. Chronic inflammation is very common and is tied to a large list of serious illnesses such as diabetes, cancers, auto-immune con...

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