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    AnyDr Fiona McIntyreDr Matthias HouvenagelDr Chelsey Kedmenec

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    Movement + Rehab sessions now available - Call 93704033 to book now!
    General Information Home / General Information

    1.What is the difference between Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists?

    This is one of the most common questions we are asked! Osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists treat the same conditions with different approaches and it is not for us to explain the theories behind Physiotherapy or Chiropractic. the main principles of Osteopathy are that the body is a unit and that the structure and function of the body are interrelated. This means that dysfunction, or damage to one area of the body can have an impact on other regions of the body. As Osteopaths, we aim not only to treat the symptoms of the problem, but the cause behind them. In doing so, our techniques are hands-on and are specific to your condition and your medical history. By Incorporating a wholistic approach we work with our patients to form rehabilitation and management plans to help prevent the injury from recurring.

    2. What is the difference between your principle, senior and associate Osteopaths?

    Our recognition of our practitioners is based on their expertise and refined experience acquired since graduation. Our principal Osteopath has over 15 years of extensive practice, while our senior Osteopath brings over a decade of invaluable experience. Additionally, our associate Osteopaths possess more than 5 years of clinical experience each.

    3.What type of conditions can an Osteopath help with?

    Osteopaths have knowledge and experience to treat and manage most Musculosketal injuries, anything from sprained ankles, lower back pain to headaches and nerve pain. If you are unsure if Osteopathy is right for you, please give us a call on 03 9370 4033.

    4. Do you offer Osteopathic treatments for infants?

    Infant Osteopathy is a specific field that our Osteopaths haven’t specialized in. However, we have experience treating children over the age of 5.

    5. Do you treat pregnant women?

    We can treat women both during their pregnancy and after. We have experience helping women manage common pregnancy issues such as carpal tunnel and pelvic pain, and can offer advice on exercising guidelines during this exciting time.

    6. Do you treat patients under Home Care Package?

    Yes we do.

    7. Do I need a referral?

    No, Osteopaths are primary health care professionals so a referral from your GP isn’t necessary. However, we frequently receive referrals from GPs and when we do, we work with your doctor to provide a treatment plan specific to your needs.

    8. What should I bring with me?

    Please bring any x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans or any other test results that you feel are applicable to your presenting complaint. Your Osteopath is also able to refer you for x-rays or further testing should it be required.

    9. What should I wear when I come in?

    We provide gowns to wear. However, if you prefer to stay in your own clothes, then something comfortable and loose that doesn’t restrict your movements is preferred.

    10. Is there a designated parking area for the clinic?

    No, but we have plenty on-street parking available on Union Road and Maribyrnong Road.


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