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Dr Chelsey Kedmenec (Osteopath) – B.App.Sc (Comp Med), M.Ost Home / Dr Chelsey Kedmenec (Osteopath) – B.App.Sc (Comp Med), M.Ost
Posted by foxandlee, 15 Jun 2016
Chelsey graduated from RMIT University in 2012, with a Bachelor in Applied Science, and a Masters of Osteopathy. During her studies, Chelsey developed a particular interest in treating lower back, pelvic and hip pain. She adopts a holistic approach to treatment, with a focus on education and rehabilitation. Since graduating she has done further professional development in treating and managing lower limb tendinopathies, shoulder pain, and common running injuries. She has also has experience with dry needling and keeps up to date with new pain research.
Chelsey has experience managing athletes in high performance sport, having previously worked with the Coburg Football Club both as a sports trainer and an Osteopath. This has given her experience with working alongside other allied health professionals and managing injuries in a high pressure environment.
Outside of the treatment room Chelsey spends a lot of her time running, and with this comes with an interest in treating runners! She has competed in most long distances events, including the marathon, and currently training her dog to start keeping her company on some of these runs.
Having grown up in a regional Victoria, Chelsey has been exposed to the realities of many different sports, including: dressage and eventing, netball, dancing and athletics.
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